UK Property Companies Call for Climate Change to be Enshrined in Planning Process

Hayley, one of our co-founders is very passionate about building a more sustainable future, so yesterday’s open letter to the government from several big property companies certainly caught her eye.
UK Government RAAC (‘Weak’) Concrete Inquiry – Information for Clients

The UK government’s widened inquiry into the use of substandard, or ‘weak’, concrete within the building industry marks a significant development for the commercial property sector.
How our Building Consultancy Adapts to Commercial Property Legislation Changes

Our head of Building Consultancy, Paul McLoughlin, describes the dynamic nature of the UK’s commercial property sector and how his profession is continually evolving, to shifts in legislation with recent changes, no exception.
The Role of a Building Surveyor

Engaging the advice and services of a surveyor can greatly benefit your business.
How to Avoid Radon in Buildings.

Don’t let hidden dangers slip past your property managers.